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Thursday, 06 February 2025


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Forex Gump – indicator as ready-made trading system


Introduction to the Forex Gump Indicator

The Forex Gump is an all-in-one trading tool – indicator and complete trading system. It works in semi-automated way, showing the trader buy and sell trading signals. The trading signals are presented as arrows and blue and red thick lines plotted directly on the candles. Apart of these signals, Forex Gump indicator also shows informative dashboard located in the top right corner of the charts. It displays the number of profitable and unprofitable signals, as well as the number of profitable and unprofitable transactions. The Forex Gump indicator is non repaint and with properly configured parameters, the signals show almost no lag.

How to use Forex Gump Indicator?

The trading rules of the Forex Gump indicator are explained below.

Buy entry signals

  • Blue arrow pointing up appeared.
  • Open long order after the bar closed.
  • Exit trade / take profit when yellow cross appeared.

Sell entry signals

  • Red arrow pointing down appeared.
  • Open short order after the bar closed.
  • Exit trade / take profit when yellow cross appeared.

How to set up the Forex Gump indicator in MT4?

Installation Guide

Download the Forex Gump.rar archive at the bottom of this post, unpack it, then copy and paste the Forex Gump.ex4 or Forex Gump.mq4 indicator files into the MQL4 folder of the Metatrader 4 trading platform.

You can gain access to this folder by clicking the top menu options, which goes as follows:

File > Open Data Folder > MQL4 > Indicators (paste here).

Now go to the left side of your MT4 terminal. In the Navigator find the gauge name, right-click it and select Attach to the chart.

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