MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert
MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert
Watch the testing video here:
MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert is a mt4 (MetaTrader 4) indicator and it can be utilized with any forex trading systems / strategies for additional confirmation of trading ingressions or exits.
(downloadable file MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert.rar contains MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert.ex4 and MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert.mq4 )
How to install MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert in forex trading platform metatrader 4?
- Extract the downloaded MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert.rar.
- Go to “File menu” in Mt4 trading platform and click “open data folder”. Open Mql4 folder and open the indicators folder.
- Now paste the MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert.ex4 and MACD Crossover Arrows & Alert.mq4 files into indicators folder and restart the MetaTrader 4.
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